Student Achievement

Faculty Achievement

Head of the IT/MCA Department Dr. Vaibhav Gandhi recognized 50 FABULOUS EDUTECH LEADERS at the 8th World Education Congress. The theme of the Congress is "REORIENTING EDUCATION FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE"
Dr. Vaibhav Gandhi
(Head of the IT/MCA Department)

Head of the IT/MCA Department Dr. Vaibhav Gandhi successfully achieved DOCTER OF PHILOSOPHY (Ph.D.) under the guidence of Dr. C. K. Kumbharana in Study and Analyse Existing Cloud Architectures and Suggest a suitable model for E-GOVERNANCE
Dr. Vaibhav Gandhi
(Head of the IT/MCA Department)

Head Of The MCA Department Dr. Vaibhav Gandhi Successfully cleared Gujarat State Eligibility Test (GSET) on January 2019.
Dr. Vaibhav Gandhi
(Head of the IT/MCA Department)

Head Of The MCA Department Dr. Vaibhav Gandhi invited as a Judge in Hackathon organized by the Computer Science, Saurashtra University

Head Of The MCA Department Dr. Vaibhav Gandhi Successfully published more than 20 papers in different national and international journals and also won the Title of best Researcher of Gardividyapith in the year of 2018.

Head Of The MCA Department Dr. Vaibhav Gandhi invited as a Judge for the 11th National Science Symposium at Christ College Rajkot for computer science oral and poster presentations

Prof. Mitra Ashara won the Title of best project En-lighter of Gardividyapith in the year of 2018.

Prof. Maulik Borsaniya is invited by the IT company as an expert to give training to the Employees of the Companies..